Monday 8 February 2016


Recently, I've read a lot of interviews with pediatricians and have even conducted one. I got to know many interesting as well as bizarre things about the health care industry and child health care. I'm just compiling the all of them for a casual read.

All pediatricians say that pediatrics, as a field has grown rapidly in the past 50 years. Earlier, it was a lesser opted path for doctors and now it has become an individual subject with its own subsets and supersets. This also resulted in late realisation of infant and child health care which is why India has such high number of child deaths due to infections and diseases. Also, India has the highest number of births as well as deaths in the world, 25 per cent and 30 per cent respectively. There are a lot of imbalances in our country, like the wide gap between urban and rural areas, rich and poor, and the state to state/ culture to culture difference. The pediatricians feel that while vaccines have decreased the number of child infected cases, it had not helped a large proportion of the country due to its high cost before the government started subsidising them. Now, around 80 per cent children are covered by subsidised or sponsored vaccines. Pediatricians also believe that ignorance, religious and cultural belief are an important challenge in the face of child care industry.

A highly experienced and renowned pediatrician as well as adolscent endicronologist, Dr. IPS Kochar works as a senior consultant in Apollo Hospital, Sarita Vihar and Fortis Hospital, Noida. He has also been associated with prominent hospitals and institutions across the world like Great Ormond Street Hospital, which is one of the best tertiary referral child centers in the world. By - Jessica

For more visit : Endocrinology in  Noida

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