Friday 26 February 2016


The boom in technology has not only expanded, but also improvised the health care sector a lot. The health care industry is so heavily dependent on it, that it is practically impossible to seperate the two.

If I ask you the role of technology in health care, most of you will reply things like modern equipments, better surgical machinery and speedy health care delivery. While that indeed is true, these days complete health care has been digitized.

A Medical Practice Management System (MPMS) is a software which interlaces the daily operations of a patient and doctor. It records the ABCs of a patient's health care like medical history, demographics, lab reports, prescriptions, physical examination results, discharge requirements, medical accounting, immunization schedule and much more. It literally takes care of all the needs of a patient and the best part about is that all of it is on a single online platform. The incoming of MPMS has eliminated all the needs of documentation and calendaring. It is like your personal medical assistant.

The different divisions present in the health care industry are inter-linked as well as inter-dependent. The expansion of MPMS gives a boost to other divisions like online medical advice and electronic health records. Hence, MPMS is good for the economy as well.

Don't be outdated and make your health care digital. Adopt the online medical apprentice, MPMS.

By - Jessica

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