Tuesday, 12 July 2016

Public Health- Key to a Brighter Future

For a country to remain on the path of development and growth, it is absolutely necessary to take required measures to keep its population disease free. A healthy population can make all the difference n the working ability of a country. Various healthcare measures are taken by developed countries and sometimes these prove to be the difference between a developed and underdeveloped country. The main cause for the lack of healthcare services in under developed countries is the lack of information in this regard.
To reduce this gulf between the standard of Healthcare services in developed countries and developing countries, the science of public health came into existence. Although the idea for a system to promote healthcare has been around for years, the modern application of this science has been more effective than ever before. Combined with the contribution of science to this field, it has now become a crucial part of the healthcare system of every country.

The public health system consists of public volunteers as well as physician. The job of the public volunteers is to raise awareness regarding various diseases as well as promoting healthy was of living like washing of hands, delivery of vaccinations etc. The job of physicians in this field is the usual where they treat the disease of the patient. All in all, public health is a well oiled vehicle with volunteers, physicians and technology as its wagons which is leading the world to a brighter future. By- Vatsal Gupta

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