This study revolves around an organism’s morphologic features, its motility, its disease causing spectrum, and its resistance.
A Microbiologist uses various techniques to study these features.
Microbiology has diagnostic as well as prognostic values.
It forms the base for clinical diagnosis of a particular disease. For instance, throat infection can be caused by n number of bacteria’s. Also, Anti-biotics available in the market have different actions on different bacteria’s.
A clinical study based on patient’s sample would isolate the causative organism, which would thus help in prescription of right drug to the patient.
One of the most important uses of microbiology is in epidemiological studies.
These studies are performed in areas in which high numbers of cases of a specific disease, caused by a specific organism are registered.
A team of microbiologists is usually deployed by the government agencies, which thoroughly examine the surroundings. They target the areas which are suspected of a colony. For eg: For studies of malaria and dengue, areas which are water logged, are examined. Also, they are made to be cleaned and kept water free then.
Clinical Microbiology can be regarded as a fore-runner of diagnosis of any given disease.
Without this, most diseases can go undiagnosed, or may be diagnosed as “False Positive”
If you are facing any symptom, don’t ignore it. That is your body’s way of giving you “Notification” about a “Battery Low” state. By- Dt. Trishala Chopra
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