Wednesday, 27 July 2016

A Drug will strive to save your life, and will fight to destroy it as well!

Clinical Pharmacology has been one of the most promising and developing fields of Medical Science.
About 70% of the total protocol for management of a particular disease depends on the use of drugs.
Amongst many, most commonly used drugs in a normal day-to-day clinical settings, are Analgesics and Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS/Narcotics).

Due to such rapid and a “4G” development, we now have drugs, for almost each and every areas of the body.
Whether it is Meningitis in the CNS, Irritation in the eyes Irritating Cough or Routine COLD, Cardiac Problems, Liver, Kidney Spleen Disorders, Gastric Disorders, Disorders of Urinary Tracts, or Basic Inflammation, Pharmacology has drugs for ALL!

However, the main issue, or what we commonly say, drawback, are the side effects.
Side effects of a particular drug, are the extension of the normal pharmacological actions of that drug, are normal, and can be seen in all patients.
Eg: Mild Itching on the forearm and hands in some patients after taking a moderate-to-high dose of Anti-Histaminic Drug.
However, in some instances, these Side-Effects turn out to be “Adverse”
Adverse effects are dangerous, and can prove fatal.

These are most commonly experienced following irregular high doses of drugs, or sometimes may be genetic in nature.
Eg: Haemolysis is induced in patients with G6PD Deficiency, after taking Sulphonamide.
By far, every effort is made, to make sure that the drug is safe for human use, but, as we say, nothing in this world can be perfect, except one, The Almighty! By- Dt. Trishala Chopra

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