Monday, 25 July 2016

PSYCHIATRY- study and the treatment of the human mind’s illness, dealing with emotional disturbance

The specialty field that deals with the study and the treatment of the human mind’s illness, dealing with emotional disturbance and in treating the abnormal behaviour that the mind encounters with is called psychiatry. The preliminary tests involved in psychiatry include assessing of the mental behaviour with a case history. A combined test, which includes the physical examination and psychological examination, may be conducted as a part of the psychiatry test. The term psychiatry is coined from Greek, in which psych is the soul or the mind and iatry is the medical treatment. Therefore, the word psychiatry means the medical treatment of the soul or the mind.
A psychiatrists is a medical practitioner who specializes and practices in the field of psychiatry. The psychiatrists are different from that of the other medical practitioners who provide mental care as they provide care both socially and biologically. Depending on the condition of the patient, the psychiatrists continue with the treatments. The different treatments are talk therapy, psychotherapy, medications and psychosocial interventions and other such treatments.
The talk therapy is usually the basic and the first therapy a patient suffering from mental illness will have to undergo. This treatment involves a talk between the psychiatric practitioner and the person who suffers from the mental illness. The talk enables the person to overcome the mental disorders and the emotional difficulties. The main aim of the talk therapy is to enable the person to overcome the illness through treatment that is give by word of mouth. The duration of the treatment depends upon the rate of recovery of the patient. By- Pujha Ramesh

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