Noida is one of those places in India, which promotes Acupuncture a lot. Basically, Acupuncture is a term that refers to the study of organisms, cells, tissues, body parts of organisms and their functional properties. It is a very broad sub – division of biology or the biological sciences. Acupuncture is such a branch that exists in integration with another sub – division of biological science, anatomy. However, they differ by a subtle difference – Acupuncture deals with the function of the body, but anatomy deals with the function of the body and its parts and organs.
Human Acupuncture is one of the main aspects of general Acupuncture. Noida however, in recent years, has adopted a more futuristic field or sub – branch of human Acupuncture, which is called exercise Acupuncture. Exercise Acupuncture refers to that form of study dealing in the physical exercises an individual undertakes. Very chronic cases of responses, and acute and critical adaptations of the body, its parts and organs, are integral parts of exercise Acupuncture.
Basically, exercise Acupuncture is used to study and take into the account the various effects of exercise on our Acupuncture, pathology and the varied mechanisms which help exercise to drastically reduce or even reverse in some cases, disease progressions. Researches in this field in Noida, have shown that the human brain itself receives around 20% of the total cardiac output of the body; but uses up and expends around 20-25% of the body’s total consumption of energy. It is also observed that energy consumption by the human brain is much higher during intense and strenuous physical exercises. It is thus seen that Acupuncture has advanced to a stage which was unimaginable even a few decades back from now. It is an indispensable part of biology and we hope, that it continues to progress and set higher limits for itself. By- Rounak Bose
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