Clinical pathology is a branch of modern medicine that couples the art of histology and the science of medicine, allowing the physician to have a better idea about the progression or state of disease in a patient. The classical idea of a pathologist is essentially that he/she is a doctor trained to identify and analyse biological samples sent from the hospital to the laboratory for the purpose of aiding and suggesting a provisional diagnosis of the illness of the patient.
Samples such as blood, urine, tissue cultures, phlegm samples and other body fluids and secretions, when analysed by a pathologist not only gives insight about a provisional diagnosis, but in cases can also reveal the prognosis (the state of illness as time passes) and definitively establish the condition of the internal health of the patient. Clinical pathologists more often than not, head the hospital laboratories as they oversee department officials like microbiologists and technicians and work in unison to deliver the most accurate information to the physician at the bedside to deliver the most efficient treatment for the patient. By- Amaan
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