Wednesday 9 March 2016


Psychiatrist in Noida
Every lay person is familiar with the term “psychiatrist”. It is often used as a term for ribbing someone who is caught saying something unusual in a weak moment, and hence has been stamped with a negative connotation ever since. But, psychiatry is not something that needs to be feared or looked down upon. It is, in fact, a healing science. It is the profession that, for example, comes to the aid of a depressed 10th grader who contemplates taking his life under parental and performance pressure for the so called “board” examinations that are supposed to determine how the rest of his or life may turn out.
Psychiatry could help people who have gone through the or deals of child abuse, or women who have withstood domestic violence. Some issues take such a toll on people’s minds that mere psychological counseling is not enough for them to recover, and they need to seek the help of medication to get through the mental turmoil. Psychiatrists are licensed to issue these medications, according to the patients’ needs. There are hospitals and even independent clinics in Noida that focus on providing counseling for specific issues like marital problems, anger management, depression and what not. So if the problem exists and the resources to solve it exist as well, why think a 100 times before taking the leap towards help, just for the fear of what people may think ?  By - Sukanya

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