Friday 4 March 2016


The advent of technology has truly been a blessing to mankind. Not only has it made tasks simpler but also increased the efficiency a million times. We do not realize this, but technology has affected all of us, directly as well as indirectly. It has helped the economy and accelerated the growth process, it has made communication faster and simpler, reduced man work or labour and has changed our mindsets and the way we live our lives as well. It has also given us a lot of time for recreation.

Most of the people are spending this 'me time' on their interests and lifestyle habits. People are also prioritizing their health and working towards a fitter being. This is quite evident from the fact that you can easily spot a gymnasium or a health centre at every corner. A lot of celebrities are also promoting wellness on their social media networks. The government too is not lagging behind and is promoting healthcare through campaigning and various schemes. It is also promoting health care education in primary and secondary classes.

Physical education classes are held in school to not just promote wellness but also to encourage students to adopt a healthy lifestyle. These classes also help the students develop interest in various physical activities and they bring laurels to the school, making it a win-win situation. Noida, a part of Delhi NCR and a premier city of the country homes excellent health care and recreation centres. It also has some of the best doctors and hospitals. By - Jessica

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