is the field of medicine which specializes in the treatment of the
musculoskeletal system of the humans which consists of bones, joints,
ligaments, tendons and the muscles.
is an orthopedist?
A medical physician who specializes and
practices in the field of orthopedics is called an orthopedist. An
orthopedic surgeon usually uses both surgical and non surgical
methods to treat a patient with any medical problems related to bones
and joints depending upon the criticality of the medical emergency.
Orthopedic surgeons usually go through a lot of training before
becoming trained and professional orthopedists. There are trained in
varied fields that are related to orthopedics and few of them are
hand surgery, shoulder and elbow surgery, foot and ankle surgery,
etc. Orthopedic nursing could be considered as a sub field under
orthopedics which specializes in focusing on the prevention and
treatment of musculoskeletal disorders.
Orthopedic nursing is
assisted by specialized nurses called the orthopedic nurses who are
given special training in order to become professional and trained
and by the end of the completion of the training the nurses are
designated as orthopedic nurses.Women
usually show signs of aging faster than men and therefore they start
to show health weaknesses related to bones more early than men do.
After pregnancy, a woman’s bones start to grow weaker and feebler
faster than before.
are really the source and essential element for the motions of
humans. Therefore, humans should make sure they give enough medical
attention to the bones as much as they give to the other parts of the
body. By- pujha Ramesh
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