Thursday, 25 February 2016


Public health is a combination of a number of fields, like anthropology, public policy, biology, medicine, psychology, and a lot more. Public health professionals identify problems and issues particular to a demographic and come up with plans and solutions to these problems. They develop policies and projects that help individual and group health efforts.
Public health is not rigidly confined to meaning a disease free population. It also implies that the population should be mentally satisfied and happy, as well as engaged in some productive activity. The fact that public health institutions have been mushrooming through out the country shows the government’s seriousness in churning out public health professionals who will, in turn, generate innovative and effective solutions to the existing problems.

It is also the duty of these public health professionals to organize task forces that roll up their sleeves and get to the very bottom of the pit, thus undertaking the task of giving health education to the most “at risk” group, the underprivileged sections of society. They must also ensure that healthcare is actually indeed accessible to the “public” that it is meant for and does not go into the wrong hands. Public health is thus and up and coming field which will integrate medicine with its social responsibility. By- Sukanya
For more info : Public health in noida

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