Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Public Health and its significance

The health of an entity is its life force. The entity may be a single individual, or a society, or a community, or the entire global population taken together, or the environment, or any other living organism that is present on the earth; it is equally significant to the state of well being of each and every one in the context.  Public health is a broad sub-division of general health. It involves not only the physical, social and mental health and state of well – being of people but also the elimination and absence of diseases from the region in the context of public health. So it consequently also entails environmental health.
Multi – disciplinary teams working on these aspects of public health are the need of the hour. The team often also includes physicians who specialise in the maintenance of the health of the public and of the community and in medicine and infectious diseases. There are a large number of medicos and specialists from other fields as well, such as psychologists, epidemiologists, medical  assistants, dentists,  bio – statisticians, mid – wives, public health nurses, medical microbiologists, public health or environmental health officers, public health or environmental health sociologists, nutritionists, dieticians, veterinarians, public health engineer as well as public health lawyers, community workers for development of all over health, communication experts, bioethicists and so on and so forth.
Access to general health of the public and health care and initiatives is an area that thus has various disparities between nations which are developed and developing nations. The development of public health infrastructures is something that still needs working on, and at the present rate of development, one can rest assured that in the years to come public health will reach unprecedented heights. By- Rounak Bose
For more info: public health in  delhi

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