Monday, 20 June 2016

Bones- Locomotive organs of a human body

Bones are the locomotive organs of the humans. There are around two hundred and six bones in an adult body and all the bones are interconnected with each other. Without bones, man would only be made of muscles and locomotion would not have been possible. Therefore, humans should give the necessary medical care to bones.
There is a separate and specialized category in the field of medicine that is wholly devoted for the good health of the bones.
The field of medicine that is specialized in focusing on the prevention and the treatment of the musculoskeletal system is called orthopedics
A medical physician who specializes in the field of orthopedics is called an orthopedist or an orthopedic surgeon.
Orthopedic surgeons are usually assisted by nurses who are specialized in the field of orthopedics and are called as orthopedic nurses.
Orthopedic surgeons are given extra academic care unlike the general physicians. The entire body consists of bones and therefore the orthopedic surgeon will have to study and understand the nature of all the types of bones in the human body.
Therefore, it is very much necessary that the field of medicine requires orthopedic surgeons as they are the ones who will have a deep knowledge about bones and will be able to treat people who suffer from health issues related to bones more accurately and precisely diagnose the problem better than the normal health physicians.
Orthopedic surgeons are growing in an increased rate all around the country. There are a lot of specialty hospitals that are devoted especially for bone health. Few orthopedic surgeons have their own orthopedic clinics for the easier accessibility of the patients whereas as few other orthopedic surgeons collaborate with specialized hospitals that are devoted for the study and health of bone care.By: Pujha Ramesh 

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