Saturday, 18 June 2016

Neonatology In A Nutshell

Nothing in this world is there, that is as sensitive and care demanding than an infant. A healthy infant itself is a point of great concern to a family. Of course this comes as no surprise, as that is how delicate and healthy fragile newborns are. With this image, one can only compare and see how much more intense it must be to handle and care for a child that is born prematurely or with a defect.

Neonatologists, also called newborn specialists deal with exactly that. The care and revival of premature, underweight or congenitally affected infants that could have been due to genetic variance or predispostion. The skill and knowledge required in the neo natal intensive care unit to tend to such infants is high, and it's no surprise that neonatology is a super specialization under paediatric care. It would take over 8 years for a student to establish himself/herself as a fully fledged neonatologist that can cater to the needs of an ill born infant.

They are the epitome of paediatric care and has many sub branches, from systemic neonatology to neonatal surgeon. All of which comes with increased risk and higher rewards. It is also a specializaytion that needs a presence and strong emotion. All this makes a newborn specialist seem a bit morose but nothing could be further from the truth. It truly is the most rewarding and developing fields of modern paediatrics. By- Amaan

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