Orthopaedics is the branch of medicine which has everything to do with the human anatomy, especially with the Musculo-Skeletal System.The Human Musculo-Skeletal System includes the Skeletal Muscles, Tendons, and Ligaments & Bones (hence skeleton).An Adult Human Body as a total of 206 Bones (Femur is the largest, while stapes is the smallest bone)We are living the dream life, in this 21 century, where everything we need, is done with a blink of an eye.
Advancement in technology has done wonders for us, but has also made us more prone to various problems. Due to the sedentary individual lifestyle, the body gets progressively deteriorated. Lack of movement & exercise, imbalanced diet and many pre-disposing factors such as high blood pressure, over-weight, postural instability etc. are now contributing in development of various bone & joint related impairment.
Orthopedics has shown progressive development in recent years, mainly due to the advent of high no. of cases of various degenerative diseases such as Osteo-Arthritis (OA), Spondylosis or Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) in most patients belonging to the high age group (45-50+)An orthopedic surgeon may use Surgical or Non-Surgical Methods to treat various pathologies. Improved technique with fewer risk, have given a surgeon the liberty to perform the following interventions, as an attempt to improve patient’s condition:
Total Joint Re-Construction i.e. Arthroplasty
Total Joint Re-Placement By- Dt. Trishala Chopra
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