Friday, 26 August 2016

Here’s how asthma can worsen your normal life

Person suffering from asthma can very well relate to this article! The impact of asthma is way too high on a person’s life who is suffering from it! Asthma is a condition which affects the pulmonary system. In layman terms asthma is a condition where there is difficulty in breathing because of the narrowing and inflammation of lungs. You must be thinking that how a pulmonary disorder can affect the other systems? Well, other systems are also affected which can make it difficult for you to live a normal life.

Sleep- The word is self-explanatory. Image someone holding your nose while you are asleep. Can you still sleep well? No. you would get oxygen to breathe. The same happens with the person suffering from asthma. Breathing is interrupted making it difficult for a person to have sound sleep as a result it leads to irritation throughout the day. Lack of sleep leads to insomnia which creates a lot of chaos in hormone production. Proper sleeping medications must be started if the complication is increased.

Exercise- When you exercise, you need more oxygen. You breathe heavy. This is in the case of a normal person. Imagine what will happen to a person who is suffering from asthma? Exercise is very difficult for asthma people. Lack of exercise brings in immobility which in turn leads to many cardiovascular disorders. A person suffering from asthma must be very careful about his/her medications if he is planning for exercises. An inhaler should always be kept nearby to avoid breathlessness.

These are just 2 things which are affected because of asthma. More points will be covered up in the next article. Stay tuned! By- Dt. Trishala Chopra

For more info: pulmonologists in noida

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