Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Take care of your body, don’t let medicines rule you

A 14-year-old girl could not manage to clear an entrance exam. She gave several attempts but she could not clear. She got insomniac and soon she had to take sleeping pills which was prescribed by her doctor. One day she just could not handle things and she did an overdose of those sleeping pills which was given to her for to induce sleep and result was…she died. Reason was overdose of the pills. A young girl killed herself with these psychotropic medicines. What special does these medicines have in them to kill somebody? These medicines have the ability to directly hit the brain cells, as a result excess hitting on the brain becomes fatal!

Psychological medicines are never sold out without prescriptions. Neither can these drugs can be prescribed by anyone. A specific degree is required to prescribe them! Not many, but Delhi has few of very experience psychological medicine experts.
There are various types of psychological medicines which are now available for dealing with different kinds of neuro disorders. Antipsychotics, antidepressants, hypnotics, stabilizers or better known as mood stabilizers, few stimulants are examples of types of drugs which are usually prescribed for a neurological disorder.

Hallucinations are common and everyone must have heard about it but not many are aware that hallucinations can be a symptom of schizophrenia which is a psychotic disorder and in this kind of disorders, antipsychotic drugs are used. Though it is rare but sometimes these antipsychotics drugs are can also be termed as tranquilizers. So the function remains the same but the brand for selling might slightly differ

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