Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Age is like climbing a mountain, you get a bit out of breath, but you get a much better view

Your parents made you who you are today…they cared for you when you were growing up. now they should get the world’s best care that they deserve. 

Have you seen any of your near or dear ones forgetting things very commonly?

It’s a part of old age…degeneration of brain cells becomes very common. This disease is called as Alzheimer’s disease it usually hampers one’s memory, thinking and other intellectual abilities.
Even if you ask the cause that why Alzheimer’s occurs then there is no exact cause or explanations for this except the degeneration which is fairly known.

There are several symptoms from which one can guess that a person might be suffering from Alzheimer’s such as forgetfulness, difficult in conversing, unable to do multitasking, difficult in planning, judging and decision making, change in behavior, insomnia, depression, anxiety and irritability. If you see any of the above symptoms in an old person, then it is time to visit a geriatrician soon before the things turns out to be worst. 

Medicosa gives you a chance to avoid all big hurdles which you need to face before finding a best doctor for yourself. traffic, big ques, heat, cold and what not! Book an appointment with a single click. Store your prescriptions online and what not with medicosa! 

Take care of nutrition an old person needs. For example, the calcium deposition on bones decreases, hence adequate intakes of calcium can help to slow age related bone loss, which can result in osteoporosis. Few sources of calcium such as milk and dairy products, bread (particularly white bread), green vegetables and canned fish (eaten with the bones) can be taken.

For more visit: Geriatrician in Delhi

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