Monday, 30 May 2016

It’s all about the brainy talk

Dealing with nervous system is not easy. It is the most complicated and most sophisticated system in the human body. a neurologist is a specialized person dealing with nervous system but the only thing is that neurologists do not perform any kind of surgeries. If there is a need of any kind of surgeries, then they are referred to neurosurgeons and most of the time both of doctors are there in the same hospital itself so the patient doesn’t have to run here and there to get himself treated.
The case is understood clearly by the neurologists There are many neurologists in Delhi which deals with many diseases and disorders stroke being the most common! Stroke is a kind of cerebrovascular disease. Other diseases such as sclerosis which can be multiple sclerosis or progressive sclerosis which are included in the category of demyelinating disease, headache is the common one which is dealt and handled by them almost every day. Parkinson’s is another kind of movement disorder which is mostly age related disorder. 
There are some disorders which causes seizures and one such disorder is epilepsy. Neurologists deal with both central nervous system and peripheral nervous system. Spinal cord disorders are also handled by them. Sometimes there are patients with speech and language disorders. Which are also handled by the neurologists and many therapy sessions are also conducted to treat such patients. By- Dt. Trishala Chopra
For more info: Neurologist in Delhi 

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